Helping Build Fine Motor Skills

We have a variety of delays in my home. Little C is delayed in most areas, but the boys are not without their own delays. Little S for example had speech delays, and struggles with his fine motor skills. Thankfully, he has successfully completed speech therapy, and is speaking with in the normal range for his age, however his fine motor skills are still behind.
Since we home school, he is not receiving therapy from the schools, so I have done some research into different activities to build up his skills my self.

Drawing On A Easel
Working on a vertical  surface builds the had muscles making it easier to do small tasks. We got an easel for Little S when he tuned 3. At first, he really disliked working  with it, but now it is something he gravitates to.

Working With Tweezers Or Clothes Pins
It can be as simple as picking up small objects to sort them, or playing the classic game Operation. This is something for all age levels. When working with a young child, use a ice cube tray, and ask them to place each colour in a different tray.

Threading Beads
 My boys consider this one a bit too "girlie" but it is a great activity to build up those muscles!

Sticker Books
This is a easy one to get your child interested in. You can by stickers at any dollar store. Find something that your child likes, and have them place the stickers to make a picture.

String Books
We have all seen those books where you lace shoe laces, or other stings through pictures. Help your child design their own. Use a piece of cardboard and decorate it. Punch holes with a hole punch, or even just with a pen. Use any yarn, string, or shoe laces you have around. Just wrap the ends tightly with some tape. It doesn't have to last forever, but it's a great activity you can do with your child.

Cutting With Scissors
Little S will not cooperate with this one, but it is a great muscle strengthener. The task can be as simple as cutting up newspaper, making  paper snowflakes, or cutting out shapes. Find something that your child would be interested in, like snipping around the edge of a green paper to make grass for a jungle or farm. If your child is really struggling with this one, start with pre-scissor skills to build up the muscles. Some can include using a hole punch, tongs, and tweezers and clothes pins. 

Play Doh And Clay
What child has not played with Play Doh? I found my children would use the Play Doh scissors even when they protested using scissors on paper. Use a garlic press to make spaghetti, the options are endless!

Colouring Pictures
This is really a natural one for most kids. If your child struggles with fine motor skills, they may protest because it is more challenging for them. Don't give up! Try to get in there with them, take turns, what ever you can do to engage them.

Buttons And Zippers
Play dress up with Mommy or Daddy's clothes and encourage your child to do up buttons. Dress up is a great way to take an ordinary job like dressing and make it fun!

There are so many ways to help your child develop those muscles. The key is to stay positive, encourage, and don't let your child give up! Pushing can cause them to push back, encouragement helps them to succeed. After all, don't we all want our children to succeed?


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